My 2020 Resolution

by - January 24, 2020

Assalamualaikum wbt. Finally dah masuk tahun 2020, yeay!

Ingat lagi masa kecik-kecik dulu selalu excited dengar pasal Wawasan 2020. Macam ada gambaran membayangkan Malaysia akan jadi sebuah negara sangat yang maju. But well.. We still have a lot of things to improve, lebih-lebih lagi diri sendiri kan? 😂

My 2020 resolution is super simple. Tak banyak and well-planned macam tahun-tahun sebelumnya..

I just want to be better. That's it.

I just want to be normal, able to manage myself, become less anxious and be more rational. I wish to be healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually.

My specialist recommends me to find something that can be a self therapy. I didn't find any.. But suddenly a random post appeared on my Facebook feeds. It says, writing can be some sort of therapy and may have a significant healing effect.

Writing eh?? I will like to give it a try..

Walaupun blog ni dah lama wujud, like almost 7 years maybe? But I've never been serious to write anything, haha. Memang tak biasa express something through writing. Lebih selesa simpan segala thoughts sendiri je..

Tapi tak salah cuba kan? It's for my own sake. Plus, writing can keep the records of my thoughts, feelings, moments, etc. At the end of the year, I hope able to see some progress in me.. InshaAllah.

*Please noted that this was a throwback picture. Intentionally put this because we both looked so young! Tiberr haha*

So, as a summary..
I want to be better. And hopefully it can achieve through writing, InshaAllah..

But don't expect much from me tho haha. I just hope 2020 will be a great year for all of us, Aameen. Kindly pray the best for me and my family too, ok?

P/s: I'm super excited for 2020! We're expecting 'someone new' in the family ❤️

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